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Thematic tracks

1. The commons as a policy for knowledge: data production and open knowledge



Peer-to-peer; Peer Production; Peer governance; Collective intelligence; Digital commons; Free culture; Free software; Social experimentation; Cultural production; Collaborative mapping; Participatory budgeting


2. The urban commons: spatial practices and experiences



Insurgent practices; Urban space;  Cartography; Architecture; Public space; Territory; Urban experience; Local practice; Place; Communality


3. The commons in Latin America: theoretical-methodological approximations



Latin America; Decolonial theories; Latin American commons; Buen vivir


4. Cooperativism, self-management and the common: approximations and dissimilarities



Alternative economies; Cooperativism; Self-management; Community land trust


Track 5
Urban commons and public authorities in threatening times



State; Public institutions; Public policies; Governance; Political action; Commons; Common experiences


Track 6

Nature and the commons as rationality for the production of urban space and ways of life



Environmental development; Pluriverse; Environmental racism; Social ecology

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